Friday, June 12, 2009


I will be posting the newsletter that we get from our farm on my CSA blog. At least I will for a while, mostly as an archive for recipes, etc. Find it here.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Testing a Link

Eat Your View
Matthew J. Piette, P.E. - Thursday, 11 June 2009

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sloppy Joe Sandwiches

Cooking is difficult with this den remodeling project going on. Everything is dusty and there's no table to use. As a result we've been cooking pretty simply and, believe it or not, even went out to dinner last night!

On Monday I made Sloppy Joes. The SI (secret ingredient) really is secret and makes it great!

3lb ground chuck
2 medium onion, diced
1 bell pepper, diced
3 stalks celery, chopped
2 gloves garlic

14oz tomato sauce or more if it looks like it should have more
14oz diced tomatoes
3T tomato paste
Worcestershire sauce about 1T
Hot sauce about 1T
1/2 cup Sriracha sauce
2T red pepper flakes

Brown beef and remove from pan to drain. Saute onions, celery, and peppers (a mirepoix) with salt. Add garlic and saute for another minute.

Add remaining ingredients and simmer until thick. Add S&P to taste. Taste frequently to adjust seasonings.

Serve on good buns.

If you know that the Sriracha is in there, it will be obvious. If you don't, it will be tricky to identify.

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